Dell Laptops

Robert Holtzman holtzm at
Mon Apr 26 23:48:08 UTC 2010

On Mon, 26 Apr 2010, Pastor JW wrote:

> On Monday 26 April 2010 7:47:32 am accessys at wrote:
>> On Sun, 25 Apr 2010, Robert Holtzman wrote:
>>>> Dell seems to be dropping the ball, at least the last time
>>>> I looked.  Maybe they changed recently.  Would be nice.
>>> Just checked. They show a Mini 10n mini and an Inspiron 15n.
>> and it was that Inspiron that I tried to order and kept getting
>> backordered for months before I canceled it.
>> just go buy a System 76 or something from someone who cares.
>> of course then dell will say "well we offered them and no one bought em"
> They really can't say that as we needed another new laptop for an associate
> pastor and could not get one from Dell.  We all, except one who runs Kubuntu
> on his Mac, run Dell Inspiron 1525n laptops.  We need a webcam for Skype,
> Open Office, and decent DVD video playing ability.  We had to go to
> in order to get a suitable one.  We
> also replaced our desktops and because we could not get a Dell desktop
> either, we bought two Phoenix Pros from here,
> with Ubuntu 9.10 on them which of
> course we instantly upgraded to Kubuntu to match our backed up office files.
> We will change them to LTS a couple of weeks from now.  Sadly, we can no
> longer trust Dell to provide decent machines for us so will likely upgrade
> through these two places.  And because it is a business system, we do fire
> people for trying to connect to our network with a windoze machine.

To reinforce this run a search on "dell consumer affairs". I bought a 
used Latitude D600 from one of the local computer outlets and while it's 
OK, I will probably never buy another Dell after reading some of what 
that search turned up.

Bob Holtzman
Key ID: 8D549279
"If you think you're getting free lunch,
  check the price of the beer"

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