USB 2.4GHZ Ubuntu 9.10

Steve yorvik.ubunto at
Sun Apr 25 13:17:34 UTC 2010

On Sun, 25 Apr 2010 14:07:13 +0100, zongo saiba <zongosaiba at>  

> On Sun, 2010-04-25 at 13:43 +0100, Steve wrote:
>> On Sun, 25 Apr 2010 13:26:16 +0100, zongo saiba <zongosaiba at>
>> wrote:
>> > Hi All,
>> >
>> > I have a usb dongle connected on my notebook. I have connected to it  
>> my
>> > Mobile Phone and Mouse (Logitech M555B). All is working well but was
>> > wondering how many peripherals will I be able to add to that bluetooth
>> > dongle ? Is there a limit or compatibility issues ? I am planning on
>> > adding a bluetooth headset and a keyboard. I am using Ubuntu 9.10.
>> >
>> > Kind Regards,
>> >
>> > Zongo
>> >
>> >
>> For each small personal network (piconet) of between two and seven
>> devices, one device always acts as host and the other units are guests.
>> All devices, independent of capability, can take both host and guest
>> roles. If you have many devices connected in a personal network (more  
>> than
>> one guest to a host) it is called multipoint. A computer, for example,
>> could simultaneously connect and transmit data to a PDA, a camera and a
>> mobile phone at the same time. However, some devices, like wireless
>> headsets, cannot maintain more than one simultaneous connection.
>>  From
>> --
>> Steve (Yorvyk)
> So, If I understood well, I would be able to go up to 7 devices. The
> host being my notebook with a limitation on the headset which seems to
> handle one simultaneous connection. The only connection the headset
> would have, would be to the host (my notebook). So no worried there.
> Kind Regards,
> Zongo
That’s how I understand it.

Steve (Yorvyk)

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