DANGER!!! Problems with 10.04 installer (RAID devices *will* get corrupted)

CLIFFORD ILKAY clifford_ilkay at dinamis.com
Fri Apr 23 16:17:04 UTC 2010

On 04/23/2010 11:46 AM, Dave Howorth wrote:
>> Someone mentioned using SATA drives for RAID. Beware. Many, perhaps
>> most, of the consumer grade SATA drives aren't suitable for using in
>> RAID. The drive manufacturers have made firmware changes that prevent
>> them from being used in RAID configurations, apparently.
> That sounds like FUD. How can a drive tell whether its in a RAID or not?
> What's the source for that allegation?

The issue is documented here 
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time-Limited_Error_Recovery> and 
elsewhere. Western Digital isn't the only manufacturer with this issue 
(and a solution).

Clifford Ilkay
1419-3266 Yonge St.
Toronto, ON
Canada  M4N 3P6

+1 416-410-3326

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