DANGER!!! Problems with 10.04 installer (RAID devices *will* get corrupted)

Xander Pirdy xander.pirdy at gmail.com
Thu Apr 22 17:47:27 UTC 2010

On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 1:04 PM, Alvin Thompson <alvin at thompsonlogic.com> wrote:
> the problem.  Once the problem
> is there, it stays there no matter how many times you try to install.
> The only way to stop the problem once it's there is to physically zero
> out any left over file systems on the disk.  This shows that it indeed a
> problem with the left over file system.  It also proves that it's not a
> GRUB problem because if it were, the problem would continue because all
> you did was zero out a file system which no longer existed in the first
> place.  I'll cut you some slack on this one, because I didn't mention in
> my previous posts how I fixed the problem.


Again I want to thank you for your time in finding this out the hard
way and bringing it to everyone's attention. Personally I don't have
the expertise to say at all that these are the same bug, and even if
they are it would be expedient to find out exactly. Also the 191119
bug is 2 years old, and has a lot less info than you provided in your
original post (as you show from your comment on 191119). It was marked
to expire tomorrow, but it looks like the activity that this thread
has caused extended its life.

I am having trouble understanding why after saying that you absolutely
would not post the bug and were going to walk away from ubuntu, you
are trying to hinder it from being investigated thoroughly. I have
unmarked the duplicate tag, and am asking you not to re-mark it until
it has been investigated THOROUGHLY by a THIRD party (though in all
honesty I have no formal authority to say this). I really am having
trouble identifying your agenda here, though one seems to be present.
I also find it hard to understand that you would not want to
participate in the process that makes ubuntu better by submitting a
report, but are feeding the flames of a war on a mailing list.


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