DANGER!!! Problems with 10.04 installer (RAID devices *will* get corrupted)

Rashkae ubuntu at tigershaunt.com
Thu Apr 22 03:10:21 UTC 2010

Christopher Chan wrote:
> On Thursday, April 22, 2010 09:47 AM, J wrote:
>> On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 21:26, Alvin Thompson<alvin at thompsonlogic.com>  wrote:
>>> On 04/21/2010 08:54 PM, Xander Pirdy wrote:
>>>> I have posted a bug report, it can be found here:
>>>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/568183.
>>> I just looked at the original issue #191119 and, are they serious?  This
>>> issue was reported OVER TWO F**KING YEARS AGO, confirmed by multiple
>>> people, and no one of the developers even bothered to look at it?  And
>>> no mention of it in the release notes?
>> If all these are indeed the same thing happening, there is nothing to
>> really be done about it.  If this is the case, and now after reading
>> the other bugs mentioned, it seems so (especially since you never
>> actually told us what kind of hardware you have, so we have to guess
>> at what the root cause really is), the problem is really the fault of
>> whichever company made the onboard controller.
> I am sorry but your claim does not have any weight since Alvin had a 
> WORKING solution.
> --snip--
>> More importantly, you can not blame Ubuntu for this as it was an issue
>> LONG before Ubuntu even existed.  It affects, best I can tell, EVERY
>> Linux distro and variant in existance.  Why? Because the companies
>> that make these fake raid controllers don't create usable Linux
>> drivers.  They put all the magic fakeRAID code in their proprietary
>> drivers (e.g. Windows) but do not put them in any Open Source driver
>> they release (and it's never been successfully implemented in a
>> pure-community developed driver either, to my knowledge).
> I am afraid Alvin does have every reason to blame Ubuntu because he is 
> not even using fakeraid. Go back up another tree.

Alvin needs to chill.  Whatever problem he has, (I have no clue), the
bug he's ranting about, #191119, is all about proprietary fake raid (and
is clearly not a Ubuntu bug), and is also therefore unrelated to your
problem.  The key phrase to pay attention to in bug 191119 is "Note that
BIOS shows first drive as valid raid member again."

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