DANGER!!! Problems with 10.04 installer (RAID devices *will* get corrupted)

Alvin Thompson alvin at thompsonlogic.com
Wed Apr 21 16:41:34 UTC 2010

On 04/21/2010 12:23 PM, Brian McKee wrote:
> Jeez, thousands of people donate thousands of hours of time to give
> you an OS and you can't fill in a bug report?  For shame....

I have literally lost about 10 years worth of work (well, half of it). 
And most of the replies I get are from people smugly saying that I 
should have also backed up my data (true, but it doesn't help).  I've 
used ubuntu since Hoary Hedgehog, but right now I'm so sick of their 
attitude that I want nothing to do with them.  You're lucky I 
investigated this problem and wrote this warning.

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