Getting rid of 'balloons'

Cybe R. Wizard cyber_wizard at
Tue Apr 20 20:31:10 UTC 2010

On Tue, 20 Apr 2010 13:48:00 -0600
Karl Larsen <klarsen1 at> wrote:

> So it appears my 10.04 does not contain /.gconf/apps/panel/global.
> 73 karl

Try this:
Open a terminal
In that terminal type, "gconf-editor" (without the quotation marks,
Once it opens, navigate to (choose) the drop-down arrow by, "apps," on
the left side.  Scroll down to, "panel." 
Use the drop-down arrow here and locate, "global."
Scroll on the /right/ side until you find, "tooltips_enabled."
Un-check the box to disable tooltips.
This is what Oliver was talking about, not the file system.

Cybe R. Wizard
When Windows are opened the bugs come in.

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