Merge two small disks into one large

Colin Law clanlaw at
Sat Apr 17 20:12:56 UTC 2010


I have two 40MB disks in a PC with XP and an ntfs share partition on
one and 9.10 on the other in a dual boot setup with grub2.

I am getting a larger disk and wish, if possible, to merge the data
from the two disks onto the new one.  I see how to clone the first one
using something like
dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdc bs=64k
which I believe will copy the XP and data partitions to the new disk.
Should I then make a new partition on the new disk and copy the second
disk to it by
dd if=/dev/sdb of=/dev/sdc2  (or whatever the new partition is)?

My intended result is of course that I can then make the new disk the
boot device and my dual boot system should work as it did before.

Usually when I have such questions I am happy to experiment and learn
by my mistakes but I have not used dd and am a little nervous in the
face of it's potentially disastrous power.  My data will of course be
backed up but I do not particularly relish reinstalling XP since my
install disks are at least a couple of service packs behind.


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