Whoa! Is this for real?!

Colin Law clanlaw at googlemail.com
Wed Apr 14 14:47:35 UTC 2010

On 14 April 2010 15:36, Basil Chupin <blchupin at iinet.net.au> wrote:
> I have been installing Karmic and Lucid Beta 1 on HDs which contained no
> other operating systems.
> Earlier today I installed Lucid Beta 2 on a set of HDs which had XP
> installed  - Lucid replaced another Linux distro which dual-booted with XP.
> A few minutes ago I went to see what was on the Windows partitions - and
> there were none showing in Lucid! There are no entries in fstab for all
> the XP partitions.
> Why didn't the installation process pick up on these partitions and
> include them in the fastab? Is it something which I missed doing during
> the install stage or is this a (nasty) "feature" of Ubuntu? I didn't
> bother to check what the disk partitoner was doing during the
> installation because the other distro I've been using - openSUSE - sees
> and puts them into fstab automatically.

I believe that the installer does not automatically include other
partitions in fstab.  They should be visible in the Places menu so
they can be mounted on demand.


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