[Lucid] acroread/Adobe Reader

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Tue Apr 13 22:43:52 UTC 2010

For those that are testing lucid & use Adobe Reader, there is an issue
with installing acroread. The problem is that they've
not done anything with acroread in lucid yet. On lucid I had to change
to karmic partner repo, install acroread & then switch back to lucid
repo after installing. Bugs are here:

Note that they show "9.1.0-7jaunty2" for the lucid. To add insult to
injury, they've not even built that sorely outdated version for 64bit.
[acroread is not being built for amd64 (Lucid)]
[Old version of acroread for lucid]

Note: stumbled across this when trying to test a pdf that crashes evince
& okular. PDF worked ok in 32bit karmic & wanted to test on lucid 64bit.
Only then did I find that acroread wasn't in the partner repo & went
searching on launchpad.

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