Scripting a TeX document - (or other way to number pdf pages)

Loïc Grenié loic.grenie at
Tue Apr 13 07:13:02 UTC 2010

2010/4/13 Patton Echols <p.echols at>:
> I am working on a modification to the script found here:
> The purpose is to "page number" an existing PDF document.  Part of the
> process requires a pdf document with the page numbers in the appropriate
> place.  The script author made his manually using OO.  What I would like
> to do is to script the process.  One of the commentators to the script
> said that he made his using LaTeX. (Which I know nothing about).
> The documentation I have been able to find is massive and frankly I
> don't  quite know where to begin.


> Nodding in the direction of "RTFM" is there a recommended "FM?" (and
> pointers about what I should be reading!)

     I have been a user of LaTeX for a long time (and I still am) and I can tell
  you that you do not want to learn LaTeX just to number pages in a pdf.

           Sorry for the non-help,


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