home server

Patton Echols p.echols at comcast.net
Tue Apr 13 00:30:27 UTC 2010

On 04/12/2010 04:24 PM, Ugur Arpaci wrote:
> Hi;
> I have an old computer, and i want to use it as a server computer. I 
> usually use it for dynamic web applications. I 've already installed 
> Ubuntu. Do you suggest to use Terminal Server Client or SSH to create 
> and transfer files from my computer or can you option me something else?
> Thanks.

If I recall correctly, terminal server client is useful for logging in 
to the server, but not necessarily transferring files. 

I have set up my development files on my desktop into an identical 
subdirectory hierarchy.  That way I can use rsync to transfer files over 
ssh like this:
$rsync -az -e ssh ~/web-devel-directory/ server-name:/web-server-root

What that does for me is updates all the files that have changed (in 
case i forget one) but does not transfer everything again.  You could 
also set up ftp on your server.  If your server is inside your local 
network you could also just mount the directories locally using nfs or 


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