installing codecs

Liam Proven lproven at
Sun Apr 11 12:03:39 UTC 2010

On Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 12:53 PM, Gary Kirkpatrick
<pegngaryubuntu at> wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 12:57 PM, Liam Proven <lproven at> wrote:
>> On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 4:49 PM, Graham Todd <grahamtodd2 at> wrote:
>>> On Sat, 10 Apr 2010 06:32:48 -0500
>>> Henry Dubb <henry.dubb at> uttered these words:
>>>> I''d second Mint as ready to go out of the box. Another option is
>>>> AptonCD in which you create your own Ubuntu. Include the programs /
>>>> codecs you want and leave the rest out. Played with it and it looks
>>>> promising. But mint would be the easiest route.
>>> [snipped]
>>> Purely because of my personal preference, I like to go with the more
>>> familiar Ubuntu/Gnome interface rather than that which comes with Mint
>>> (too Windows-like for me).
>> Hmm. Odd. It's the work of 2min to put it back, if you actively like
>> the 2-panel layout.
>>> If you are looking at other Ubuntu-like OS, I'd suggest you look at
>>> "Super OS" at:
>>> and "Ultimate Edition" from
>>> Both have the added codecs installed "out of the box" but Ultimate
>>> Edition also has slabs of the latest version of KDE with Gnome.  Both
>>> have their own repositories but Ultimte Edition has a tool, Ultamatix,
>>> which will also upgrade the Ultimate Edition install.
>> Repos aren't much help for machines with no Internet access!
>> For my money, both those remixes add in far too much unnecessary junk.
>> They move far from the "purity" of the Ubuntu
>> "one-best-of-breed-app-per-function" ideal.
> I have decided to give mint a try, I would need to add all the
> education programs though so I will need Apton.  So I would have to
> install Mint on my Dell mini 10 and hope that it work, or I can
> install Mint on the regular laptop.  Add the education programs and
> then make another CD.  This assumes that Mint does not come with
> education programs already installed, like edubuntu does.
> gary

No, it doesn't. I must confess I've not tried Edubuntu, being very
happily child-free & planning to stay that way indefinitely, but there
is no special functionality in Mint over and above what plain Ubuntu
offers. A few changes of component, as already noted, or such as the
replacement of Ubuntu's system-update & update-notifier apps with Mint
versions, but overall, no additions.

Liam Proven • Profile:
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