Using a 40 gig SSD

James Michael Fultz croooow at
Sat Apr 10 20:04:44 UTC 2010

* Sandy Harris <sandyinchina at> [2010-04-09 21:50 +0800]:
> I have acquired a 40 gig solid state disk, wonder how best to use it.
> Context is a single-user desktop, Xubuntu on 2666 MHz Core 2
> with 4 gigs of RAM. Current setup uses a hard drive with separate
> partitions for / /usr and /var with about 1, 7 and 1 gig used
> respectively.
> What file system should I consider for the SSD? Should I put
> only / and /usr there and have the more volatile /var on
> rotating storage? Any other advice?

Whatever else you decide to do, consider aligning your partitions with
your SSD's erase blocks.



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