Lucid and Sun Java

Markus Schönhaber ubuntu-users at
Fri Apr 9 19:22:48 UTC 2010

09.04.2010 21:07, Marcelo Magno T. Sales:

> I can't find Sun's JRE in Lucid 64 bits repositories. I had never run 
> Ubuntu 64 bits and had never run beta versions, so I have some doubts:
> 1. There are not Sun's Java packages for Lucid 64 bits because it is 
> still beta or these packages will not be available even after the final 
> version is released?
> 2. Are there Sun's Java packages for Karmic 64 bits?
> 3. Is there Sun's Java Plugin 64 bits? I couldn't find it at 

Sun Java 6 is in Lucid's partner repository (and it's even up-to-date!).
You'll probably have to enable that repository.
It seems that the sun-java6-plugin package is missing the actual plugin
lib, though.


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