ubuntu-users Digest, Vol 68, Issue 65

Basil Chupin blchupin at iinet.net.au
Thu Apr 8 00:47:36 UTC 2010

On 08/04/10 10:12, Doug wrote:
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Wed, 07 Apr 2010 12:36:21 -0700
>> From: sdavmor<sdavmor at systemstheory.net>
>> Subject: Re: Thunderbird and launching Firefox browser
>> To:ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
>> Message-ID:<4BBCDEB5.1010004 at systemstheory.net>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
>> On 04/07/2010 05:27 AM, Basil Chupin wrote:
>>> Using Lucid, and Thunderbird 3.0.4 with Firefox 3.6.3 on a 32-bit
>>> system.
>>> On another distro I can click on a link mentioned in an email and
>>> this automatically starts Firefox if it is offline or opens a new
>>> tab if FF is already running.
>>> With Lucid I cannot do this.
>>> I do have Launchy installed - but I do not think that this is where
>>> the problem lies.
>>> I also have TB and FF as the default applications in the System
>>> Preferences.
>>> What is puzzling me is that I can go to
>>> System>Preferences>Appearance and click on the links Get More
>>> Backgrounds or Themes and in both cases Firefox is automatically
>>> started (or the correct web page brought up). But this does not
>>> happen from within Thunderbird.
>>> Does anyone know what is needed to be done to get a URL link in TB
>>> activate FF? For example, in an email someone supplies a link to a
>>> YouTube video; I used to click on that link and the video would be
>>> automatically brought up in Firefox. How to get this feature back
>>> in Ubuntu, anyone?
>>> BC
>> I had this problem with TB when I started getting the pre-release
>> nightly upgrades for TB. I had to manually reattach the link to FF
>> from inside TB options.
> I had the same problem, The only way I could get the links in TB3 to 
> open FF was to
> go into the TB profile and delete  mimeTypes.rdf. It will rebuild it 
> self on the next execution of TB. Then when you click on a link it 
> should ask you what to do. So you point it to FF. make sure you check 
> the box to do this every time.

*Y-E-S*! Thanks for this.

But, how in heaven's name did you manage to reply to a post in the 
thread, Thunderbird and launching Firefox browser with a new thread 
heading dealing with the users Digest?!  Subject heading with anything 
to do with Digests I normally don't bother reading except that this one 
caught my eye simply because I haven't yet seen a Digest for Ubuntu 
users. Your solution would have been completely lost to me - and others 
- except for my 'newbie :-) to Ubuntu' curiosity.


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