Pidgin reinstallation problem in jaunty

TopBot . topbot5 at
Tue Apr 6 06:05:02 UTC 2010

i followed the procedure to update pidgin as given on this site:

but there was no effect after update.. so i decided to remove pidgin and
install it again using synaptic.
resintalled pidgin-data (it now shows its version as 1:2.6.6...... instead
of 1:2.5.5.......)

but whn i click for intallation of pidgin from synaptic the following error
is shown and the installation does not proceed.

 Depends: libpurple0 but it is not going to be installed
  Depends: perl (>=5.10.0-19ubuntu1.1) but 5.10.0-19ubuntu1 is to be

.... how to fix this and get pidgin 2.6.6 ?

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