Installed VirtualBox - but where is it?

Arthur Johnson arthur.johnson at
Tue Apr 6 03:18:47 UTC 2010

On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 10:58 PM, Thomas Blasejewicz
<thomas at> wrote:
> The other day I used under Ubuntu 9.04 Synaptic to install VirtualBox OSE.
> The computer says, the installation has been successfully completed.
> Fine.
> Now, where am I supposed to look for it??
> I cannot find it anywhere under application,
> there is no icon or stuff like that on the desktop
> and when I try Alt+F2: VirtualBox (all different forms of spelling,
> capitalization I can think of),
> all I get is the error message "no such file or folder"
> * but Synaptic shows it to be installed.
> So, ... where is it? How am I supposed to use software that "is not there"?
> Is there any way to describe this in a manner that even a "regular Joe"
> (a person without degree in computer science and understanding of the
> inner secrets of linux) - like me - can understand?
> (the other day I tried to install wine (could not make it work);
> attempts at reading the instruction manual were like trying to read
> ancient hiroglyphs from an Egyptian tomb)

It should be under Accessories in the applications menu.  If not, then
you may have to reinstall it I would imagine.

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