Can't log in gnome session after changing display

I Am Me theunknownandrew at
Mon Apr 5 12:00:38 UTC 2010

* Replying to mail Re: Can't log in gnome session after changing display from Buyean Lee <cnsdrug at>
* written On Monday 05 Apr 2010 @ 10:42:22 am

>  "The script you are attempting to make has been converted to an Upstart
> job, but //or is not supported for Upstart jobs."

I was having a similar problem on my system as well, I had to do was disable the progress splash in upstart.
Before you fiddle with this, you better take a backup ! now do you have anything like this : /etc/grub.d/10_linux ?
try "cat /etc/grub.d/10_linux | grep -i splash" on the console to have a look if it indeed has splash settings

Could you post the file and the directory contents so we can have a look ?

Andrew Chelladurai

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