How do I set the Sun java as the default?

Jim Byrnes jf_byrnes at
Sat Apr 3 16:56:14 UTC 2010

Colin Law wrote:
> On 3 April 2010 17:28, Jim Byrnes<jf_byrnes at>  wrote:
>> On Ubuntu 9.10 - 32 bit. java -version says: java version "1.5.0" Free
>> Software Foundation.  Synaptic says Sun Java 6 is installed. How do I
>> make it the default?
> This may help,
> I found it by googling for ubuntu set sun java as default
> Colin

Yes it does, Sun java is now the default.  I was tripped up by my lack 
of googling skills.  I did not include the word "sun".

Thanks,  Jim

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