Grub 2 information

Colin Law clanlaw at
Thu Apr 1 19:42:00 UTC 2010

On 1 April 2010 20:00, Karl Larsen <klarsen1 at> wrote:
>     I have looked hard at this information:
> and it has zero examples on how to actually do this!
>     I want the guys who wrote this to show an example of a real Lucid
> system where I have many partitions and I want to make not the last
> Lucid to boot up but rather cause my Windows to boot up automatic rather
> than the Lucid.

You want Windows to boot up automatically??!!!!

Well there is no accounting for taste.  In fact that is one thing that
can be done easily.  Just edit /etc/default/grub and set GRUB_DEFAULT
to the number of windows entry in the boot list.  So if windows is the
7th thing you see in the boot list set it to 7.  Then sudo update-grub
and off you go.  If a new kernel comes along you will have to change
the number though.


>     This is dirt easy with an editor on menu.lst and I want to see how
> easy it is to do this same thing with Grub2.
> Thank you.
> 73 Karl
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