Manual fix of Grub2 impossible
Luis Paulo
luis.barbas at
Thu Apr 1 15:33:09 UTC 2010
If you copy entries on boot.cfg to 40_custom and disable 10,20 and 30
entries with chmod -x, you'll be able to configure every entry as you
please. I think, didn't try it, just looking for solutions.
Understand your questions, hope some GUI will come along, and I don't have
shares on grub2.
On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 4:11 PM, Liam Proven <lproven at> wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 4:03 PM, Tom H <tomh0665 at> wrote:
> >
> > I don't see why any new user (or even any user) who is single- or
> > dual-booting (and not quadruple/quintuple booting like Karl) would
> > want to change anything in /etc/default/grub or /etc/grub.d).
> Well, I wanted to on a machine I was setting up for someone just
> yesterday. Grub2 autodetected the system restore partition, labelled
> it as Windows Vista and put it in the Grub boot menu. I wanted to
> amend the label to say something like "System Restore - DO NOT USE"
> but AFAICS in Grub2 there is no way to do this. I can edit grub.cfg,
> sure, but the next automatic update cancels and replaces my changes.
> I don't want to add extra entries. I can see how to do that. I want to
> amend the ones it finds.
> Last Monday I was trying to set up a Grub1 PC to dual-boot with 10.04
> beta, which defaults to ext4 and grub2. I could find no way to do it;
> I was forced to use Grub2. (Sure, there's startup-manager, which lets
> you fiddle with cosmetics such as screen modes - so long as you don't
> have a widescreen or a netbook, in which case, tough, you can't boot
> in your native mode - but it doesn't make any actual functional
> changes such as editing or reordering boot entries.)
> This is a major PITA and combined with the absence of any friendly
> graphical Grub2 editors I could find makes Grub2 a real nuisance to
> me, at least.
> --
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