Problem with power management

Marius Gedminas marius at
Mon Sep 28 01:32:48 UTC 2009

On Sun, Sep 27, 2009 at 03:15:48PM -0500, Charlie Brune wrote:
> I have an old laptop with a completely worn out battery.  It does not 
> run at all if the A/C power is removed, but runs just fine if it is 
> plugged in.
> I'm running Ubuntu 9.04.  The laptop is a Compaq Presario 1800.
> My problem started after applying the latest Ubuntu updates this weekend.
> The problem:  After I log in, I see a message at the upper right-hand 
> side of the screen telling me that the laptop battery power is 
> critically low and that the laptop is immediately shutting down.  Then 
> the laptop shuts down.


> Since the laptop is on A/C power, I don't want it to shut down.
> Is there a way for me to log in using "recovery mode" and edit a 
> configuration file to change this behavior to allow the laptop to stay on?

First of all, please report a bug against gnome-power-manager.

Second, I suppose you ought to be able to turn off the "power off on low
battery" action from a console login, using gconftool.

  $ man gconftool
  $ gconftool -R /apps/gnome-power-manager

Marius Gedminas
Those who can't write, write manuals.
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