gnuplot axis label

Siggy Brentrup ubuntu at
Thu Sep 3 10:58:53 UTC 2009

On Thu, Sep 03, 2009 at 11:46 +0200, Alain Muls wrote:
> Hi ubuntu-users,
> This is perhaps not the correct list, but I have a question related to 
> gnuplot.
> I plot UTM coordinates and am unable to get the correct formatti,ng for 
> the east and north coordinate. I should be able to print up to cm-level, 
> meaning a coordinate could be 31N 595787.73 5628222.08 for my case. What 
                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^
This indicates you want more than 9 digits of precision, hence I assume
you make sure gnuplot uses doubles instead of floats.

> I get out of the plot is
> 595787
> 5.62822e+6
> If I specify a format of %.2f for the labels, than it is much too large 
> (overlapping labels on east axis and very long formats on north axis) 
> and the plot becomes small.
> Any suggestion is welcome.

What excatly do you see on the N axis with %.2f and %9.2f?
You might also want to publish the URL of a screenshot.

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