Hate SATA hard drives

Siggy Brentrup ubuntu at psycho.i21k.de
Wed Sep 2 09:23:22 UTC 2009

Hi List,

On Tue, Sep 01, 2009 at 19:12 -0400, Jay Daniels wrote:

> I think everyone should put a little experience and research into a
> reply before they click the send button.  I cannot count the number of
> times I have written a reply to a list, only to cancel my reply after
> reading.

I apologize for hitting the send key on a reply written out of an
angry impulse thus publishing my personal view and causing this way
too long and now OT thread on a boring subject.

To all those that think I'm rude, if you want to know how really rude
flame wars look alike and can spare some time just skim over old
archives of any technical Usenet group from the '90s.  Mostly when
those combattants met in person at some conference they drank a beer
or two and continued heated discussions but without bad feelings.
IMNSHO you young ones are a bit thin skinned - yet I signed th CoC
and try to be moderate most of the time.

This thread has become large enough for statistical analysis, I'd
like to see if diverging opinions by any means correlate to who is
an information source or sink :)

no bad feelings
  Siggy (cf one time .sig below)

apropos information sink: if anyone with a Darwin box connectd to the
net is willing to do me a favor, please drop me a note at
at-ng at free-it.org.
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