Using a kernel module from old Linux kernel in a new Linux kernel

James Michael Fultz croooow at
Wed Sep 30 16:30:08 UTC 2009

* Rune Svendsen <runesvend at> [2009-09-30 17:48 +0200]:
>Cool, I'll do that. I actually got it set to exactly 0 with a 
>little fiddling (pressing '4' to set the volume to 40 (which 
>corresponds to a -25 dB gain) and the pressing the Up button 
>(which increases the dB gain in 5 dB increments) until the gain 
>reaches 0 dB)). 

Not as pretty as alsamixer, but for special applications like 
this amixer is handy.  See the man page for details, but it can 
set a control to a literal dB value like so:

$ amixer sset Master 0dB

Also, it seems to be sensitive about the exact case of 'dB'.

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