[ubuntu users] Strange new Information--Question 2

Ted Hilts thilts at mcsnet.ca
Wed Sep 30 02:58:43 UTC 2009

Using Ubuntu vs. 8.04 Hardy Heron upgraded from 7.10 CD's I recently ran 
into a strange informational output that I guess started sometime in the 
last 2 months on 8.04.  I've had 8.04 level operation for many months so 
this informational output is new. What happens is that upon creating a 
directory as in "sudo mkdir /media/sdc1/...." the message "Cannot 
identify host" is generated and then and the directory is created.  A 
typical directory creation would be:

"sudo mkdir /media/sdc1/SB_EXPORTS/UBUNTU-EXPORTS-Aug-wk04-2009"

This strange informational message recently started to occur where 
before there was no message at all.

I am wondering if there has been some syntax changes regarding "mkdir" 
that require some reference to the host.

Any insight on this phenomena would be appreciated.

Thanks -- Ted Hilts

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