if statement help
srf10130 at vtc.vsc.edu
Tue Sep 29 22:59:26 UTC 2009
Ray Parrish wrote:
> Nils Kassube wrote:
>> Ray Parrish wrote:
>>> nowDay=$(date +%A);
>> The ";" at the end is not needed.
>>> AMorPM=$(date +%H):
>> The ":" at the end is wrong, probably you wanted to write
>> AMorPM=$(date +%H);
>> but again the ";" at the end is not needed.
>>> padsp espeak "$nowTime hours":
>> Again ":" is wrong (unless you really want to pass it to espeak).
>>> if [$AMorPM -lt 12]
>> That should be:
>> if [ $AMorPM -lt 12 ]
>> Nils
> I tried adding the spaces, and still it bombs and says PM only.
> Later, Ray Parrish
Recall that the use of the square brackets calls the command "test", for
which you can pull up the man page. I regularly have to pull this man
page because test seems to give me results that I'm not expecting
(usually ends up being a syntax error on my part). I find it (test)
un-intuitive myself but usually figure it out eventually.
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