CUPS Printer Support Not Working...

Joseph ubuntu at
Sat Sep 26 00:22:34 UTC 2009

NoOp wrote:
> On 09/25/2009 04:28 AM, Joseph wrote:
> ...
>> OK, I know I've gone through trying to figure out why my printer wouldn't print, saying the CUPS thingy wasn't working, I now have 
>> another issue.
>> This morning, I needed to make a photocopy, so I did it on this printer/scanner.  I put in my original, and I heard it scan...   then 
>> out came what I wanted to print from the computer the other day, and THEN my new scan/copy came out.
>> What would cause the this machine to [apparently] lock up this way???  ....Then suddenly, when I choose to do something unrelated, it decides to work...?  Why?
> Ex-lax joke aside... I've experienced a similar problem in the past & found that using:
> $ sudo /etc/init.d/cups restart
> generally clears the print cue. As to why it did it in the first place, you might have a look in /var/log/cups/error.log and access.log.

I hope YOU're the one moving the joke...   :)

Someone mentioned doing that command, which I did, but it didn't work.

I didn't realize there was an error.log - I'll have to take a look see....

I did....   it's only got entries dated for today.  Hmmm....


Joseph Snurr
Cotter, AR.

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