Problem with HP mini (was: Re: OT: The semantics of the terms PC/Mac)

Andrew Farris flyindragon1 at
Fri Sep 25 20:25:25 UTC 2009

On Fri, 2009-09-25 at 12:16 -0700, Ricardo wrote:
> It should go on your blog.  I just signed up to this list to get help
> on an issue on my HP mini and I received no help.  However I do get
> over 30 messages of Linux vs Windows, stuff that I can read anywhere
> on the net.

This discussion actually wasnt a linux vs windows thing...or it wasn't
SUPPOSED to be... it just started as a comment by me about how Macs are
PCs too, because PC just means Personal Computer... it just exploded
from there.

What problem are you having with your HP mini? How long ago did you post
about it? I don't think I remember ever seeing an email from you, so it
might have accidentally gotten caught in a spam net some place...

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