List archive hiccups

Tom H tomh0665 at
Fri Sep 25 19:17:39 UTC 2009

Thiers Botelho <thiersb at> wrote:
> I have noticed today - and it wasn't the first time - that one email msg was
> NOT contained in the archives.
> (As I'm an unfrequent poster, I had decided to suspend receiving mail from
> the list and go by the archives only, at least for the moment).
> Take this example for instance:
> This is the REPLY to one email that I've sent a few minutes before that one
> (and many thx for the quick reply BTW). Now, my original email is nowhere to
> be seen in the archives, even allowing a number of hours to account for
> eventually delayed mail delivery & processing.
> Has anyone spotted similar occurrences / and-or is this a common & frequent
> issue ? I've noticed this 3 or 4 times before (months ago, really) but never
> really bothered to check with the community before now.

It is not (yet?) in the archive in spite of being here:

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