Openoffice Letterhead

drew.einhorn drew.einhorn at
Thu Sep 24 15:49:02 UTC 2009


I'm trying to scan some letterhead and set things up so
my grandsons principal can print the school letterhead
along with the document.

I'm running into several problems.

I do a:  Format -> Page and choose the Backgroud tab.

Select As:  Graphic

Browse for the File

And choose Type:  Area

1)  Instead of filling the entire page.  I just fills the area inside
the margins.
How do I get the background to fill the entire page?

2)  Some folks in the office still insist on MS-Word, when I save as .doc,
I lose the background.  I may have to try again on one of their computers
with MS Word (yuck).

Drew Einhorn

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