Slightly OT - SFTP versus FTP speeds

Steve Flynn anothermindbomb at
Thu Sep 24 10:06:49 UTC 2009

I know many of you use SSH to securely leap from machine to machine.

How many of you utilise SFTP and vanilla FTP though? If you do, what
kind of speed difference do you witness in throughput?

I ask because the current environment I'm working in (a clients site)
is seeing quite large differences in throughput between two machines
(on in the UK, another in the states). The circuit connecting the two
is a private circuit, no other traffic on it during our testing
periods. I am seeing a 100Mb file or Lorem Ipsum text being
transferred at up to 4.4Mb/s (which is about as fast as we'll get it
to move as the slowest part of the circuit is about 5Mb/s.

When one person suffers from a delusion it is insanity. When many
people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

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