[OT] ubuntu-users and Gmail

Wade Smart wadesmart at gmail.com
Wed Sep 23 16:49:38 UTC 2009

Louaym2-Gmail wrote:
> I got Gmail and I am not receiving any email from the list since 4-5 
> weeks now.
> I have created a new Gmail account "louaym3" and subscribed but I got 
> nothing too, again I registered with my Hotmail account "louaym2" and it 
> is the same, I've only recieved notification to conferm my registration 
> and a confirmation email then nothing else.
> I would appriciate any hint on what I should do.
> PS. my other subscreption to Debian and Fedora or still working fine 
> with no problems.
> thanks in advance
> Louay

You subscribed to this group, received a confirmation and responded to 
the confirmation and you still arent getting messages from this group?
Is this correct?


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