Ubuntu from source

Rashkae ubuntu at tigershaunt.com
Wed Sep 23 16:07:28 UTC 2009

Odd wrote:
> Amedee Van Gasse (Ubuntu) wrote:
>> Suppose I wanted to (re)compile Ubuntu from source. I mean not just a few
>> packages but the entire distro, everything that I have installed. And in
>> some (semi) automated way, like Gentoo offers.
>> Would that be possible?
>> This is just a hypothetical question. I wouldn't do such a thing because
>> it is *useful*, only because it is *possible*. Like taking apart a radio
>> to see how it works.
> http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/main/source/
> But do realize that this is only Ubuntu without any
> software added.
> I should have added that for the whole distro, you need
> to collect the source code for all the apps from their
> respective places on the net. Let's just say you've got
> your work cut out for you.

Not really, the ubuntu repos include source for all packages, as
required by GPL.


If you were really hell bent on doing it, you could certainly create a
list of all packages installed on your system then feed them one by one
into apt-get -b source packagename

There is probably no guarantee that *everything* will work bug free, ie,
some binary packages may have been built a long time ago with older
libraries / compiler, and while they still work perfectly fine, may not
build as well on current system.

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