where do I find source packages?

robert rottermann robert at redcor.ch
Wed Sep 23 13:36:10 UTC 2009

>> thanks,
>> eventually i will get accustomed to apt-get ..
>> now apt-get source squid
>> fetches version 2.5xx of squid.
>> is there a way to get a newer one?
> http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/hardy/squid will allow you to get the
> 2.6 ubuntu patched source.
>> now apt-get source squid-2.6 does not work.
>> thanks
>> robert

sorry if I seem thick (I probably am ..)

I see three files.
one of them seems to be the original (the name suggests so) and the other ones
are very small.

which one do I compile, or (likely) is there a process into which I have to feed
these files?


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