OT: The semantics of the terms PC/Mac
iodine at runbox.no
Wed Sep 23 10:07:39 UTC 2009
Steve Flynn wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 12:49 AM, Pastor JW
> <pastor_jw at the-inner-circle.org> wrote:
>> Its so in the future I will not have to pay back licensing fees for using the
>> name, because everything about windoze irks me, and because it doesn't
>> qualify a a real operating system; it is more like the borg and just
>> assimilates other peoples work.
> I presume your tongue is firmly in cheek.
> To be perfectly honest, I really don't see what the massive problem is
> with Windows. I don't seem to suffer from the pain and anguish which
> many users complain of. I don't recall the last time I had a BSoD on
> any of my Windows machines (2 vista, 1 XP with a copy of Windows 7 due
> to land any day now). Guess I'm just lucky.
No luck involved. Windows is rather stable these days. Barring hw failure
or dodgy drivers, Windows can be as stable as Linux.
> Then again, I don't have
> endless amounts of poor quality software installed, P2P sharing
> software, screensavers to draw pretty fish, cracked games, malware,
> etc.
Indeed. But I don't agree that P2P software makes Windows
unstable. The software one downloads OTOH, is another story.
I don't understand why people downloads pirate software. That's
just asking for trouble. That sort of software does in many cases
contain malware that can do all sorts of stuff behind one's back.
> My software portfolio consists of applications like Oracle,
> PowerExchange, PowerCenter(sic), PL/SQL Developer, Visual Studio,
> Enterprise Architect, OpenOffice, Outlook 2003, etc. All just works.
> I'm a developer on several platforms (AIX, OpenMVS, Windows, Linux and
> to a certain degree OSX) and as such, I need my environments to be
> stable. Here, in my office, they all are. Without exception.
> Oddly enough, my work colleagues also have the same story as me - our
> kit just works... constantly. It's not massively high-end stuff
> either. Compaq nc6120 laptops running windows XP, IBM Power 570
> servers with AIX 5.3L (getting long in the tooth now), etc. I have a
> seperate laptop for a Linux installation (multi-boot RedHat, Debian
> and a custom distro we use in-house for testing).
> I have no real preference for any of the OS'es I list above - if I had
> to pick one to work on for pleasure, it would be MVS.
> Statements like "it doesn't qualify as a real operatign system" just
> make me chuckle.
Yeah, what's up with that? Windows is just as much a "real OS"
as Linux. Certainly, back when Win 9x was prevalent, it was
a crap OS, but still an OS. These days, all MS OSes are based
on the solid NT kernel.
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