help installing Linux

Colin Law clanlaw at
Wed Sep 23 08:09:06 UTC 2009

2009/9/22 Forever 29! <rogerds at>:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to install Linux 9.04.  When I change the setup to boot from the
> CD Rom drive, I can hear the CD turning but it doesn't get to an install
> screen.  It goes to a screen that says Windows did not start properly, do
> you want to start it?
> What am I doing wrong?

I wonder whether you just copied the Ubuntu iso file to the CD rather
than burning it as an image.  Most burning software has this
capability though it can take a bit of finding.  Look for iso and
image in the instructions.

Alternatively maybe the CD did not burn correctly.  The fact that you
get an error when attempting to boot from it suggests that the system
thought that it was a bootable CD.  Perhaps just try burning another
one.  Select the slowest speed in your burner to give best chance of


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