Font-size and Firefox

NoOp glgxg at
Tue Sep 22 14:52:30 UTC 2009

On 09/22/2009 06:44 AM, Valter Nogueira wrote:
> I am using 8.04 on a computer that I used to have Windows XP.
> My problem (which didn't occured on XP) is the fonts are too small to be
> read and Zoom option or changing default font size distort web pages. Not to
> mention that zooming in at every click is a pain.
> If I change monitor resolution to turns web navigation nice, my netbeans
> became too cluttered.
> In some cases text and images became clipped. Is there any solution? Or does
> this things happen because sites are IE oriented?

Have you tried setting the font properties in Fx? In Fx 3.5:
Edit|Preferences|Content|Fonts & Colors|
  Default Font: serif    Size: 16
works for me. Now click the 'Advanced' button & set 'Minimum font size'
to 14 or higher, etc.

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