[ubuntu] Re: suddenly filling of hd and no access to x

Steve! steve at timerider.co.uk
Tue Sep 22 07:58:15 UTC 2009

boot ubuntu live
in terminal:
sudo passwd root    -   then give root a password
mkdir drive
mount /dev/sdXY drive  (Replace X/Y with the drive/partition of your 
system - use fdisk if unsure of partition)
cd drive

then have a look through the logs/find out where all the space has gone - 
sounds like some bad logging somewhere maybe? Check the most recent log 
files by date first maybe.

df -h  will show you your available/used space if you need it

Hopefully, once you have some free space, you'll be able to startx from your 
own drive :)

Your passwords for your main system should remain as they were earlier, the 
password aboev is just to let you get quick access to root - which am sure 
will help in this case :)

Good luck

www.timerider.co.uk/download/call.mp3 :p 

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