Wireless does not see Internet [was: PSK recovery?]

James Takac p3nndrag0n at gmail.com
Tue Sep 22 01:30:15 UTC 2009

Hi Fred

On Monday 21 September 2009 22:28:32 Fred Roller wrote:
> > I've gone and dloaded 9.04 and burned the live disk and was pleasantly
> > surprised to see the wireless available and working straight from that.
> > So that seems to me to suggest it aint the router but something with the
> > 8.04 configuration gone amiss. So I've decided to install 9.04 on that
> > system after I xfer what I want to keep to an external drive. Thx for all
> > the help in trying even if it hadn't been solved
> >
> > James
> Good to hear.  I had my partner look at the issue and he seems to think
> the tcp/ip stack has corrupted ( fwitw, my partner is a CCIE candidate)
> Rebuilding would be your best option,  I would suggest you build with
> hard wire plugged in.  In my experience the installation will customize
> the OS more to your hardware (where the live CD loads all it can to
> insure compatability).  In doing so you /may/ need to load a restricted
> driver after install for the wireless.  Just an FYI.  Lets us know how
> it goes.
> --
> Fred
> www.fwrgallery.com
> "Life is like linux, simple.  If you are fighting it you are doing
> something wrong."

I usually do the builds with the hard wire plugged in as you call it. I was 
just surprised to see the wireless network right there from the live cd. I 
was actually making sure the cd was good after burning and started to have a 
lil poke around when I saw my network detected. So I thought I'd try and 
connect and off she went without a prob

If it were windows I'd know how to fix the corrupted ip stack. No so here. 
Either way it's given me reason to upgrade at least one system to 9.04


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