Installing Java on Ubuntu 8.04

Andrew Farris flyindragon1 at
Tue Sep 22 00:02:38 UTC 2009

On Mon, 2009-09-21 at 20:43 -0300, Valter Nogueira wrote:
> I would like to install lastest Sun Java SDK - which includes JavaFX
> at my Ubuntu box.
> It would be great if the Java installation became system wide.

run "sudo update-alternatives --config java" after unpacking the JRE
into the appropriate directory (see below).

If you want a GUI tool for doing this, then check out the package
galternatives (search Add/Remove for Alternatives Configurator)

> Sun's bin unzip a full directory. Where should I move this directory
> and how do I set the correct PATH to get JAVA running?

I believe you would dump it into "/usr/lib/jvm". Check your system to
see where java is currently installed, then put the new jre folder in
there. My reconing says that the 'new' one should just unpack a few
directories, probably called bin, ext, jre, man. these should go in a
folder names something descriptive (like java-<release number>). the
unpacker might automatically do this for you, but just in case...

> Will Tomcat use this JRE?

If you update-alternatives it should.

home that helps!

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