Best filesystem for large partitions

Rashkae ubuntu at
Mon Sep 21 21:28:28 UTC 2009

Preston Hagar wrote:
> I have an Ubuntu Hardy server setup with a 9 TB Hardware (Areca) RAID
> 6 array running Zoneminder (camera software).  For a while, I have
> been using XFS as the filesystem for the 9 TB partition because of a
> few random recommendations and outdated benchmarks [1].  Over the past
> year or so running with this setup, however, I have had to wipe and
> reformat the partition about 50 % of the time the machine power cycles
> (sometimes from unexpected power outages, sometimes from planned
> reboots). 

I've never tried to use XFS on anything near this scale.. However, your
particular problem sounds very unique... I would almost suspect some
underlaying hardware problems corrupting data.

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