Best filesystem for large partitions

Preston Hagar prestonh at
Mon Sep 21 19:58:16 UTC 2009

I have an Ubuntu Hardy server setup with a 9 TB Hardware (Areca) RAID
6 array running Zoneminder (camera software).  For a while, I have
been using XFS as the filesystem for the 9 TB partition because of a
few random recommendations and outdated benchmarks [1].  Over the past
year or so running with this setup, however, I have had to wipe and
reformat the partition about 50 % of the time the machine power cycles
(sometimes from unexpected power outages, sometimes from planned
reboots).  It will come back up with an unmountable partition. I will
try to do an XFS repair/check which will usually either run the
computer out of memory (8 GB RAM) until it kernel panics, or leave the
file system in a questionable state (it will mount, but if I do
another xfs_check it immediately starts reporting errors).  I have
just been reformatting the partition (and losing the past 2 months of
security camera footage in the process).  Since we rarely have
incidents at the office where the security footage is ever even looked
at, it hasn't been a huge deal, but I am hoping to find something

Partitions > 8TB aren't officially supported for ext3 (you have to use
a -F force flag which makes me nervous).  ext4 isn't officially in
Hardy from what I know and I could switch to Jaunty if it would be
worth it, but will a "new" filesystem really be that much more stable
than something like JFS or XFS (although it is built on ext3 which is
what I normally use)?

In doing a little Google searching I found the suggestion to use JFS
on top of LVM [2].  The short how-to, however, doesn't suggest a
reason why it is beneficial to put the JFS partition on a LVM virtual
partition.  I have switched to that for now, but I was wondering if
anyone had experience with large file systems.  I really don't need
killer speed, and would gladly trade speed for reliability.

If you have any experience with partitions > 8 TB and if you have any
suggestions/tips on filesystems, extra tuning options, etc.  your help
would be greatly appreciated.




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