Firefox and

Hal Burgiss hal at
Sun Sep 20 15:28:09 UTC 2009

On Sun, Sep 20, 2009 at 03:51:07PM +0100, R Kimber wrote:
> I've effectively done that, though by copying the file, rather than using
> symlinks.

I'll argue against this, since I think its a deprecated location, and may
cause other problems. The reason I say this is that I have been using Chrome
for awhile. Recently flash stopped working, and I notice the error messages
all referenced ~/.mozilla/plugins/ After awhile I decided to
look at that directory and found that was dated June 2007.
Hmmm, was this a holdover from FF2? After renaming this directory, all was
well again. So while this location might work, I don't think it is the proper
place for such things (any more). My system installed flash lib is in ... 
/usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/, which seems to be current
and works with Chrome, FF3, and FF3.5 (32 bit). In any case I think putting
something there will likely orphan it and break something else down the road. 


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