How do you set/change kernel parameters?

Didar Hossain didar.hossain at
Sun Sep 20 09:29:24 UTC 2009

On Sun, Sep 20, 2009 at 2:06 AM, Pete Clapham <pclapham at> wrote:
> Didar --
> Thank you.  This is very helpful.  Is there a listing of the variables

Glad to be so :-)

> that can be set in the sysctl.conf file (or any other file)?   The
> database requires setting about a dozen kernel parameters, and the man
> page for the sysctl.conf file isn't very enlightening.

You can get more information in the proc(5) man page -

man proc


man 5 proc

I also recommend using `grep' in the /usr/share/kernel/Documentation
directory. This is how I used to search for the tunables
documentation. It was only when I did a little online searching that I
came to know abour the proc(5) man page - thanks to your query :-)


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