What happens after 18 months?

Steve Lamb grey at dmiyu.org
Sun Sep 20 04:36:46 UTC 2009

Florian Diesch wrote:
> "Carlos S." <xdonzorrox at yahoo.com> writes:
>> after 18 months I am on my own or have to pay for the latest and
>> greatest .. afer 18 months how would one aquire the updates and
>> security updates??  

> One would either upgrade to a supported version (that's for free) or
> keep the system current on your own (most likely you don't want that).

> Ubuntu doesn't offer updates for 9.04 after that neither free nor for
> money.

     Specifically Ubuntu releases a version every 6 months.  Each of those is 
supported for 18 months.  So by the time support for 9.04 runs out 9.10, 10.4 
and 10.10 will have been released, each with 18 months of support.

     In addition to that one version every ~2 years is dubbed Long Term 
support (LTS).  LTS versions are supported for 3 years thus giving you 1 year 
to migrate from one LTS version to the next.  The last LTS is 8.04 which will 
be supported until sometime in 2011.

          Steve C. Lamb         | But who decides what they dream?
        PGP Key: 8B6E99C5       |   And dream I do...

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