
Andrew Farris flyindragon1 at
Sun Sep 20 01:57:00 UTC 2009

On Wed, 2009-09-16 at 10:58 +0100, Robert Price wrote:
> Hi There 
> I am trying to install Ubuntu but when I get to finishing the
> installation it will not let me. Saying i need to set the partition
> info.
> I'm using wubi but i just can not get it to load. My operating system
> is windows 98.

you might want to make sure you've got enough resources to run wubi: 

        What are the system requirements?
                256 MB RAM and an 1 GHz or faster Intel/AMD processor is
                recommended for optimal performance, though Xubuntu
                might work on less. As for disk space, the installation
                requires a minimum of 5GB free. This space is mostly
                used by the virtual hard disk file. Most computers
                purchased within the last 3 years should be able to run
                Ubuntu fine, and Xubuntu is suitable for older
                computers. Software raids (aka fakeraid) are not
                supported. Encrypted disks are not supported.

Also, could you be a little more descriptive of your problem:
        Exactly what part of the installation is failing?
        What is the exact error message? 
        What is not working about setting the partition info?
        What does it do/say when it fails to load?
        Do you get as far as re-booting your computer before the error?
        Why are you still using win98? (just out of curiosity)
        Anything else you can think of that might be helpful?

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