Advice - bad RAM

Andrew Farris flyindragon1 at
Sun Sep 20 01:45:15 UTC 2009

On Sat, 2009-09-19 at 20:20 -0500, Chris Mohler wrote:
> I know that there is (or was) a kernel-level program for
> "sitting on" bad addresses - anyone used this?  Also - anyone ever
> have false positives with memtest86?
> I'm also probably hunting for new RAM - this machine is a Dell Vostro
> 1500 laptop.

if you need new RAM for your lappy, check ouy they've
even got a RAM searcher where you can find RAM for your specific model
of computer, or you can search by any other criteria under the sun just

I have had false positives memtesting RAM when it gets really hot
(usually happens after ~5 full passes for desktops w/o proper RAM

I'd suggest ventilating your laptop very well (i.e. sit it on a cooling
pad, or something) let the thing cool off for a while (turned off), then
turn it on w/ the cooling pad, and test the RAM. If you get the errors
again, then it's likely that it's bad.

as for a kernel program for sitting on bad RAM addresses, i've never
heard of it, but I'd be nervous about that anyway, because if your RAM
starts failing now, it could start failing worse on you later, and it
would be better to stomp out that possibility now while you're

hope that helps

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