Experience with Mac's BootCamp anyone?

Sundar Nagarajan sundar.personal at gmail.com
Thu Sep 17 22:37:56 UTC 2009

Mark C. Miller wrote:
> The school I teach at is replacing my computer lab with Macs with 
> BootCamp.  I've already discovered that BootCamp will only run Vista (not 
> sure about Windows 7, but definitely not XP.
> So I'm going to have a choice when I power the computer up between 
> windows and Mac OS X.  You'll notice what's missing from this puzzle?  
> Ubuntu!
> I'd like to know if Wubi will install under Windows when BootCamp is 
> used.  Even better, can BootCamp handle OS X, Windows and Ubuntu as three 
> separate OSs?
> I can't find much on the web about BootCamp and Ubuntu other than a 
> couple of articles that said you could use instead of Windows.
> Replies from folks with experience or better search skills are much 
> appreciated.


this is a bit of a tangential reply, but you're probably just as well 
off (or even better off) installing VirtualBox under OS X and install 
Ubuntu inside a VirtualBox VM. This has the advantage of not requiring 
any form of multi-boot, and you can use OS X and Ubuntu simultaneously.

I use Mac OS X 10.5 at work, and I have Jaunty under VirtualBox. It 
works perfectly. If you install the guest additions, you even get the 
seamless transitions between OS X apps and the VM window and dynamic 
window size / resolution changes for the VM. If running Ubuntu 
fullscreen rocks your boat, you can do that too. Virtualbox 3.0 even 
allows you to run a 64-bit OS in a VM within a 32-bit OS (provided both 
are Intel-based architecture).

I am forced to use Windows XP for some tasks at work :-( and I have XP 
also installed as a VirtualBox VM.

I speak only for myself, but ever since I got used to Virtualbox, I see 
little reason for multi-boot - especially on laptops/noteboooks. Why 
plan ahead and choose A _OR_ B at one time, when, with the hardware that 
is common nowadays, you can have A _AND_ B at the SAME time without 
planning :-).

Your major challenges if you do consider Virtualbox will be:
	- Limited to Intel-based Macs (but Snow Leopard is too!)
	- Older hardware may not be powerful enough for a VM

Sundar Nagarajan
Linux User #170123 | Ubuntu User #2805

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